20 shelled crayfish (claw and tail meat)
1 orange sliced in supremes
1 lemon sliced in supremes
1 grapefruit sliced in supremes
1 soup-spoon of Fallot tarragon mustard mayonnaise
2 asparagus
4 mini cucumbers
4 mini red onions
salt, pepper, virgin olive oil, borage flowers.
Chop the citrus supremes into small segments.
Mix the crayfish meat with the mayonnaise.
Thinly slice the asparagus and mix with the other half of the citrus segments.
Set 5 crayfish tails on the meat, slice the asparagus heads with a Japanese mandolin slicer and place a consistent amount on top.
Place the virgin citrus on the side and decorate with the mini cucumbers, mini red onions and borage flowers.

(Français) Douceur piquante

(Français) Nuage sur le lac Léman

(Français) Pause dans les sous-bois

(Français) Macaron à la moutarde

(Français) Paleron de bœuf à la moutarde aux cèpes et au thé fumé

(Français) Pâté en croûte sucrine et crème de moutarde aux feuilles de coriandre & à l’orange

Crunchy salad with langoustines

Roast epoisses in a gingerbread and orange nonette

Cod in Fallot mustard with gingerbread crumbs

Calf’s head sauce Gribiche prepared our way

Rabbit cooked several ways

Chicken Fricassee with Fallot Dijon Tarragon Mustard

Thick salmon with Fallot Dijon Basil Mustard

Snails and Squid in Dijon Mustard

Pig’s Trotters Cromesquis with Fallot mustard “à l’ancienne”

Chantilly Oysters with Burgundy Verjuice

Fresh Crayfish Delight, Virgin Citrus and Tarragon Mustard

St. Pierre Fillet, Asparagus and Walnut Mustard

Red Mullet Artichoke Basil Mustard

Rice Crackers with Basil Mustard

Roasted Pigeon, Morels in Fallot Hot Mustard Cream

Calf’s Head Seasoned with Tarragon Mustard

Beef Fillet with Carrots, Fallot Blackcurrant Mustard

Jumbo Gambas à la Plancha, Fennel with White Balsamic Vinegar